
You’re An Introvert? Don’t Let It Hold You Back In Business. Here Is How.

According to research by the University of Toronto Scarborough, extroverts can have some advantages in business. But if you are an introvert, this study doesn’t mean death to your entrepreneurial dreams.

Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, and Mark Zuckerberg have attained massive business success even though they are introverts. Here are key lessons to learn from these leaders.

Tips To Succeed In Business If You Are An introvert

1. Focus on your strengths

Research-based evidence shows that introverts brains work differently than extroverts. Introverts' neural signals follow a longer path in decision-making. This makes them better at critical thinking. This can be advantageous in business settings where careful consideration is necessary before making a move.

Introverts are also great listeners. They are more likely to allow customers to voice their problems before offering useful advice. This skill is important in marketing and customer service.

David Weinhaus from HubSpot says that his introverted personality helps him to understand customer needs. He shares:

 “As an introvert, one of my biggest strengths is listening well. If you attempt to sell to a prospect before understanding their need for change, you will be pitching, not helping. I have discovered that introverts are good at avoiding this trap.”

2. Take advantage of technology

We are in the golden age of technology, and tools like social media help us connect easily. Communication experts call it the  “revenge of the nerds.” but introverts call it “the great rebranding.”

Social platforms like LinkedIn provide an opportunity to engage with customers without the pressure of socializing.  

You can use tools like Calendly to set up your meetings in advance so you are not pressured at the last minute. Before the meeting or public address, adequate preparation will help you perform well at the event.

Write, and don’t apologize for your love of writing. Use emails and chats in your business communication and only pick up that phone call if absolutely necessary. Written business communication is, in fact, advantageous – it's accurate, storable, shareable, and retrievable.

3. Work with a spokesperson

If you often feel scared of being the face of your company, you can delegate the task to someone with a talent for face-to-face interactions. They can help market your company regularly and share your brand vision. This may work to your advantage because on rare occasions when you come out to speak, journalists, customers, and stakeholders will be highly attentive,

A Gallup analysis of Inc. 500 index companies showed that business leaders who delegate responsibilities register faster growth and generate more profit and employment.

However, hiring extra talent requires significant financial investment, which can be unnerving for small business owners. The good thing is that you don’t have to hire a full-time employee immediately. You can start small by hiring people to do tasks when needed and scale from there.


While we were all told to speak up and be bold, the digital revolution has empowered the silent segment of the population to leverage their strengths in business. As the science journalist Winifred Gallagher noted,

“It is introverts who have had the largest contribution of artistic and intellectual achievements.”

You’re An Introvert? Don’t Let It Hold You Back In Business. Here Is How.
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You’re An Introvert? Don’t Let It Hold You Back In Business. Here Is How.

You’re An Introvert? Don’t Let It Hold You Back In Business. Here Is How.

According to research by the University of Toronto Scarborough, extroverts can have some advantages in business. But if you are an introvert, this study doesn’t mean death to your entrepreneurial dreams.

Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, and Mark Zuckerberg have attained massive business success even though they are introverts. Here are key lessons to learn from these leaders.

Tips To Succeed In Business If You Are An introvert

1. Focus on your strengths

Research-based evidence shows that introverts brains work differently than extroverts. Introverts' neural signals follow a longer path in decision-making. This makes them better at critical thinking. This can be advantageous in business settings where careful consideration is necessary before making a move.

Introverts are also great listeners. They are more likely to allow customers to voice their problems before offering useful advice. This skill is important in marketing and customer service.

David Weinhaus from HubSpot says that his introverted personality helps him to understand customer needs. He shares:

 “As an introvert, one of my biggest strengths is listening well. If you attempt to sell to a prospect before understanding their need for change, you will be pitching, not helping. I have discovered that introverts are good at avoiding this trap.”

2. Take advantage of technology

We are in the golden age of technology, and tools like social media help us connect easily. Communication experts call it the  “revenge of the nerds.” but introverts call it “the great rebranding.”

Social platforms like LinkedIn provide an opportunity to engage with customers without the pressure of socializing.  

You can use tools like Calendly to set up your meetings in advance so you are not pressured at the last minute. Before the meeting or public address, adequate preparation will help you perform well at the event.

Write, and don’t apologize for your love of writing. Use emails and chats in your business communication and only pick up that phone call if absolutely necessary. Written business communication is, in fact, advantageous – it's accurate, storable, shareable, and retrievable.

3. Work with a spokesperson

If you often feel scared of being the face of your company, you can delegate the task to someone with a talent for face-to-face interactions. They can help market your company regularly and share your brand vision. This may work to your advantage because on rare occasions when you come out to speak, journalists, customers, and stakeholders will be highly attentive,

A Gallup analysis of Inc. 500 index companies showed that business leaders who delegate responsibilities register faster growth and generate more profit and employment.

However, hiring extra talent requires significant financial investment, which can be unnerving for small business owners. The good thing is that you don’t have to hire a full-time employee immediately. You can start small by hiring people to do tasks when needed and scale from there.


While we were all told to speak up and be bold, the digital revolution has empowered the silent segment of the population to leverage their strengths in business. As the science journalist Winifred Gallagher noted,

“It is introverts who have had the largest contribution of artistic and intellectual achievements.”

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