
Using Emotional Intelligence To Build Potent Career Networks

Emotional intelligence, or what many call EQ, is an indispensable skill in leadership, equaling or even topping IQ or technical skills. Research suggests that people with high EQ form the backbone of top performers in many organizations, and other studies show that people who exhibit the highest EQ learn more.

This article will look at the intricacies of emotional intelligence for career networks.

4 Tips To Use Emotional Intelligence To Build Your Career

1. Self-awareness

Like having good taste, self-awareness is something everyone claims to have it, but only 10-15% do, according to research done by Harvard Business Review. Yet, according to Claire Johnson, former VP at Google and current consultant at Stripe, EQ is the most sought-after skill by organizations when interviewing potential hires.

High self-awareness allows us to make more sober and objective decisions. For instance, when a situation makes us feel stressed, a lack of self-awareness may make us more prone to make whimsical decisions that may not be in our best interest. But, with high self-awareness, you can identify these emotions and take preemptive steps to mitigate them before making decisions. 

Research shows that good decision-making is imperative in helping us attain our career goals and develop intimate relationships with others in the workplace. Conversely, if you make poor decisions, you are more likely to miss career opportunities and suffer setbacks.

2. Resilience

Building a career network comes with its share of challenges and resilience is necessary for overcoming setbacks. The American Psychological Association defines resilience as adapting to trauma, tragedy, and adversity. Emotionally intelligent professionals are resilient, meaning they rebound quickly from failures and rejections and use these setbacks to refine their networking strategies. 

These individuals also understand the value of building effective networks to buffer them from adverse career events. They don’t just lie around hoping that their relationships will improve; instead, they put effort into nurturing their existing networks and building new connections over time.

3. Empathy

Empathy is invaluable in effective networking. It enables you to connect with your peers, colleagues, and industry contacts on a human level while avoiding conflicts and misunderstandings. 

Empathetic people pick up on social nuances, a crucial skill when navigating intricate workplace dynamics, settling conflicts, and building more productive working relationships. Good relationships influence happiness at work and building rapport within one’s networks. 

4. Relationship management

How do you build and maintain your professional networks throughout your career? The answer is relationship management. If you possess high EQ, you’ll become good at building rapport and working with colleagues or peers toward common goals.

Remember that networking takes two to tangle. You must add value to contribute to other’s success just as much as you gain from people. The more you nurture authentic relationships built on mutual respect and trust, the stronger your support system will serve you throughout your career.


We live in a world dominated by artificial intelligence and other digital interactions, and our emotional intelligence (EQ) differentiates us as human beings. EQ is an important skill that transcends every aspect of our lives, from personal lives to building potent career networks.

A high EQ can also open doors to new opportunities and roles. The best part about it is that it’s under your control. You can improve your EQ today if you so desire.

Using Emotional Intelligence To Build Potent Career Networks
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Using Emotional Intelligence To Build Potent Career Networks

Using Emotional Intelligence To Build Potent Career Networks

Emotional intelligence, or what many call EQ, is an indispensable skill in leadership, equaling or even topping IQ or technical skills. Research suggests that people with high EQ form the backbone of top performers in many organizations, and other studies show that people who exhibit the highest EQ learn more.

This article will look at the intricacies of emotional intelligence for career networks.

4 Tips To Use Emotional Intelligence To Build Your Career

1. Self-awareness

Like having good taste, self-awareness is something everyone claims to have it, but only 10-15% do, according to research done by Harvard Business Review. Yet, according to Claire Johnson, former VP at Google and current consultant at Stripe, EQ is the most sought-after skill by organizations when interviewing potential hires.

High self-awareness allows us to make more sober and objective decisions. For instance, when a situation makes us feel stressed, a lack of self-awareness may make us more prone to make whimsical decisions that may not be in our best interest. But, with high self-awareness, you can identify these emotions and take preemptive steps to mitigate them before making decisions. 

Research shows that good decision-making is imperative in helping us attain our career goals and develop intimate relationships with others in the workplace. Conversely, if you make poor decisions, you are more likely to miss career opportunities and suffer setbacks.

2. Resilience

Building a career network comes with its share of challenges and resilience is necessary for overcoming setbacks. The American Psychological Association defines resilience as adapting to trauma, tragedy, and adversity. Emotionally intelligent professionals are resilient, meaning they rebound quickly from failures and rejections and use these setbacks to refine their networking strategies. 

These individuals also understand the value of building effective networks to buffer them from adverse career events. They don’t just lie around hoping that their relationships will improve; instead, they put effort into nurturing their existing networks and building new connections over time.

3. Empathy

Empathy is invaluable in effective networking. It enables you to connect with your peers, colleagues, and industry contacts on a human level while avoiding conflicts and misunderstandings. 

Empathetic people pick up on social nuances, a crucial skill when navigating intricate workplace dynamics, settling conflicts, and building more productive working relationships. Good relationships influence happiness at work and building rapport within one’s networks. 

4. Relationship management

How do you build and maintain your professional networks throughout your career? The answer is relationship management. If you possess high EQ, you’ll become good at building rapport and working with colleagues or peers toward common goals.

Remember that networking takes two to tangle. You must add value to contribute to other’s success just as much as you gain from people. The more you nurture authentic relationships built on mutual respect and trust, the stronger your support system will serve you throughout your career.


We live in a world dominated by artificial intelligence and other digital interactions, and our emotional intelligence (EQ) differentiates us as human beings. EQ is an important skill that transcends every aspect of our lives, from personal lives to building potent career networks.

A high EQ can also open doors to new opportunities and roles. The best part about it is that it’s under your control. You can improve your EQ today if you so desire.

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