
5 Ways to Win At Networking Both Online And In-Person

Efficient networking can set your career on a strong path of growth. Good things happen when you plug into the right professional networks. 

You may get a job referral from an industry event or meet a business partner on platforms like Linkedin. 

Proper preparation and great communication skills are the only two things needed for successful networking.

Let’s learn more.

How To Strengthen Your Networking Skills On The Web And In Real Life

1. Always be prepared 

Before attending an offline event, use tools like LinkedIn to prepare. Review some speaker and guest profiles and determine what you want to achieve from the event. Set an agenda to help guide your actions at the event.

For instance, if your goal is to get a new job, you should focus on impressing HR decision-makers at the event. But if you simply want to expand your connections, prepare to swap cards with as many people as possible. 

If you will be giving a speech, study the agenda and all other guests slotted to speak at the venue. Prepare thoughtful talking points and meaningful questions. Thorough preparation boosts confidence and helps smoothen the networking process.

2. Listen and engage

If you ask questions during a networking event, you should be genuinely interested in what people have to say. Ask intelligent questions and give people a chance to speak. Then, ask follow-up questions to demonstrate that you were attentive.

Good listening and conversation skills lead to meaningful relationships from networking events. But it is worth noting that networking is a give-and-take process. As much as you want to steal the show, you must also create opportunities for others to share their experiences and knowledge.

3. Provide value

Share unique insights, keeping your information relevant to your audience. If you share something new and useful, people will most likely pay close attention to you. They will want to maintain a close relationship with you after the event.

Showcase your expertise whenever the opportunity arises. We are all experts in one field and may know more than the rest of the world in this one thing. Display your knowledge and skills, not boastfully, but in a way that can help others achieve their objectives.

4. Follow up 

The mistake many people make in networking is forgetting to make follow-up contact. You should never lose meaningful connections! After you meet important people at an eve, send them a follow-up email after a day or two.

Remember to appreciate the conversation and the insights they shared. Mention some of the points you discussed and build more conversations by expanding on the topic. Hopefully, this will help forge deeper connections that you can leverage for your career or business objectives

5. Expand your channels

Don’t limit yourself. Look for industry-related forums, attend webinars, and visit local events related to your industry. This will help you reach more people. The nature of the connections you get from an online platform may differ from what you get from a local event in your city. Variety is good.

Take every new person you shake hands with as an opportunity to grow your network and learn new things. Nurturing diverse relationships can help you get more from your networks.


Whether you are networking online or offline, excellent communication skills are vital. You need to know how to meet people, start great conversations, and build long-term relationships. Start with the above tips.

5 Ways To Win At Networking Both Online And In-Person
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5 Ways to Win At Networking Both Online And In-Person

5 Ways To Win At Networking Both Online And In-Person

Efficient networking can set your career on a strong path of growth. Good things happen when you plug into the right professional networks. 

You may get a job referral from an industry event or meet a business partner on platforms like Linkedin. 

Proper preparation and great communication skills are the only two things needed for successful networking.

Let’s learn more.

How To Strengthen Your Networking Skills On The Web And In Real Life

1. Always be prepared 

Before attending an offline event, use tools like LinkedIn to prepare. Review some speaker and guest profiles and determine what you want to achieve from the event. Set an agenda to help guide your actions at the event.

For instance, if your goal is to get a new job, you should focus on impressing HR decision-makers at the event. But if you simply want to expand your connections, prepare to swap cards with as many people as possible. 

If you will be giving a speech, study the agenda and all other guests slotted to speak at the venue. Prepare thoughtful talking points and meaningful questions. Thorough preparation boosts confidence and helps smoothen the networking process.

2. Listen and engage

If you ask questions during a networking event, you should be genuinely interested in what people have to say. Ask intelligent questions and give people a chance to speak. Then, ask follow-up questions to demonstrate that you were attentive.

Good listening and conversation skills lead to meaningful relationships from networking events. But it is worth noting that networking is a give-and-take process. As much as you want to steal the show, you must also create opportunities for others to share their experiences and knowledge.

3. Provide value

Share unique insights, keeping your information relevant to your audience. If you share something new and useful, people will most likely pay close attention to you. They will want to maintain a close relationship with you after the event.

Showcase your expertise whenever the opportunity arises. We are all experts in one field and may know more than the rest of the world in this one thing. Display your knowledge and skills, not boastfully, but in a way that can help others achieve their objectives.

4. Follow up 

The mistake many people make in networking is forgetting to make follow-up contact. You should never lose meaningful connections! After you meet important people at an eve, send them a follow-up email after a day or two.

Remember to appreciate the conversation and the insights they shared. Mention some of the points you discussed and build more conversations by expanding on the topic. Hopefully, this will help forge deeper connections that you can leverage for your career or business objectives

5. Expand your channels

Don’t limit yourself. Look for industry-related forums, attend webinars, and visit local events related to your industry. This will help you reach more people. The nature of the connections you get from an online platform may differ from what you get from a local event in your city. Variety is good.

Take every new person you shake hands with as an opportunity to grow your network and learn new things. Nurturing diverse relationships can help you get more from your networks.


Whether you are networking online or offline, excellent communication skills are vital. You need to know how to meet people, start great conversations, and build long-term relationships. Start with the above tips.

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